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Lush Models
Webcam Model FAQ's
How much money can I make?This depends on the hours you put in. There's always money to be made online, 24/7. It usually ranges from about £400 - £1000+ a week. Many of our models earn around £1,000 a week.
Do I need to look like a model?No! Personality is key! You need to be open minded, fun & bubbly. Clients like a variety models, so whether you’re a petite size 6 or curvy size 18 it really doesn’t matter. You will come to understand that there are lots of clients who want you and are willing to pay for your time.
How does a webcam model earn money?From the moment a client enters your chat room, you start being paid. You are paid per minute for your time spent with them. Each client is different, they may simply want to talk to you or candidly want to see more of you.
Do I need to show my face?No, it is not essential to show your face you can still make a lot of money however models that show their face will generally earn more.
I want to earn money quickly, is that possible?"Most definitely YES! However, you will need to put the work in! You need to be prepared to be committed, we will provide you with the rest so you can reach your full potential. Time is money so if you don't have the time to put in you will not see the money on the other side.
How often will I get paid?Majority of our girls get paid weekly however we offer daily pay as well as pay on request. So the choice is yours.
What are the benefits of joining Lush Models?We offer private 1 - 1 training to support your individual needs so you can become financially independent! You can buy the things you’ve always wanted to, live a luxurious lifestyle, save for holidays or to buy your own house, pay off your debts, and typically increase your earning potential. We also offer monthly incentives to boost your earnings!
What do I need to become a webcam model?You must be over 18 years old. Have a valid ID (this can be a Passport, UK Full/Provisional Driving Licence or Citizenship Card & Birth Certificate). You will also need a laptop with a functioning camera and internet connection. Alternatively you can use a Smart Device e.g. phone, tablet, Mac, iPad.
Is there a joining fee?No, it's free to join and we'll set everything up for you. We pay you!
Need a question answering thats not above?Email or send a message via our chat service.
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